“Discovering that responsibility was one of my top strengths also ‘explains a lot’ about me to me! I have had opportunities to recognise when this is dialled too high up, and when it’s just right.”
— August 2023
“Biggest growth for me has been around my Harmony strength. Discovering this and being encouraged to exercise it month to month has changed how I relate to other people. And how I relate to myself. It has helped me to see how God has made me and how I can be an asset to a team, as a leader, and a co-worker, bringing peace, understanding and care no matter what is going on.”
— August 2023
“I have grown in my strengths. My awareness of them, understanding how I best function, and an increase in my maturity in exercising the strengths in different facets of my life.”
— August 2023
“I’m a better, more effective minister because of the coaching environment”
— December 2021
“I am now more self aware of my tendencies, and the reasons for that”
— November 2021
“Working through the cliftonstrengths has been revolutionary in the way I understand myself”
— October 2021
“This has definitely made us more aware of our strengths, and differences in strengths. ”
— September 2021
“I wish everyone would do a program like this - it would make life easier when dealing with other people.”
— December 2020
“Gained understanding of one another’s strengths and how they work for us. ”
— September 2020
“I have grown in my ability to reflect on my strengths and see the value they can bring to a variety of roles in life”
— August 2020
“I feel like I know myself and my colleagues a whole lot better and am excited to continue to notice how our strengths emerge in our lives”
— July 2020
“It really assisted me to return to a much more positive headspace”
— February 2020
“This has helped me identify what is most important”
— December 2019
“I have learnt to embrace my way of thinking, to own my strong sense of responsibility”
— November 2019
“I discovered that what I have believed to be a great weakness is infact a great strength”
— November 2019
“Exploring my analytical theme has helped me further understand how I operate best in my workspaces and what I need in order to do my best work”
— June 2019
“Understanding our work colleagues and their strengths will certainly assist us all in working better as a team”
— February 2019
“I have grown in my awareness of who I am and how that can play out in everyday life as well as in the workplace. The benefits of coaching for me as a leader were amazing. Everyone around me has commented on how I have grown in confidence. I believe this has also overflown into competency and courage ”
— January 2019
“One of the helpful things has been identifying some leadership strengths and styles, and working out how I might deploy them in my leadership - rather than trying to mimic what others do, or just follow what had always been done.”
— January 2019
“Found the test and coaching personally very valuable.”
— March 2018
“Andy has helped me understand about emotions in ways I hadn’t considered before. He has helped me to become more empathetic through his example of empathy strength. He has been extremely encouraging, urging me to make changes in my life and enact action plans.”
— August 2023
“From the very first coaching session I have benefited - being encouraged to remove work email from my phone! I have not looked back from this initial action and I am thankful for the opportunity to grow in healthy boundaries across the board. ”
— August 2023
“I have discovered my wiring around ‘communication’. I am passionate about good communication and allergic to poor communication. This has helped me recognise the areas I love in my job and see how I can be used more and more as a leader around communications in my workplace.”
— August 2023
“It has helped me to step back and actually take the time to process and explore some of the more complex and difficult experiences and circumstances”
— January 2022
“I’m more aware of the leadership style that works for me, and am learning how influence can be a more effective motivator than power”
— December 2021
“My awareness and capacity has deepened”
— December 2021
“My emotional process has been slowed down to better understand what values are fueling my experience and response”
— November 2021
“This has been a game changer for the way I pastor and care for others both in church and at home”
— October 2021
“This process has helped me understand that having someone to discuss work with, the challenges facing us as we try to support each other and work together is very important”
— September 2021
“I have a better understanding of my strengths and how I use them in situations”
— December 2020
“Really got a lot out of the process, found it to be very helpful. ”
— September 2020
“These workshops continue to be of great benefit.”
— August 2020
“Strengths have helped me to appreciate the way God made me and articulate how he made others differently”
— June 2020
“I gained a greater understanding about my Harmony theme, and how useful that is to have at this time of isolation and home learning”
— March 2020
“This has helped me see the value in drawing on the strengths of others”
— November 2019
“I’ve gained greater focus on what really matters and a more positive perspective on the challenges in ministry”
— November 2019
“This has enabled me to make better decisions and form action steps for the future”
— November 2019
“We left with a greater awareness of each others strengths and the encouragement to have a ‘champion’ to encourage us to all keep thinking/developing in this space. ”
— February 2019
“This was a great session that really helped us as a senior team.”
— February 2019
“Greater focus on what really matters, and a more positive perspective on the challenges in ministry”